Living Authentically: What a Lynx Can Teach Us About Embracing God’s Design

soft adn feminine picture of a beautiful lynx with rose pink flowers and beige aesthetic

The Lesson of the Lynx

I saw a short video of a lynx the other day, and it sparked a profound realization. Here is this extraordinary creature, perfectly designed with everything it needs hardwired into its being. It knows what to eat, how to communicate, and how to live. The lynx doesn’t strive to be anything other than what it was created to be; it instinctively fulfills the purpose God gave it. Moving with quiet confidence, it lives in harmony with its environment, secure in its identity.

The lynx simply is—and nothing can convince it otherwise.

The Struggle to Embrace Our True Design

Now, think about us. Unlike animals, we are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), gifted with eternal souls, unique talents, and a divine purpose. Yet, instead of embracing this truth, we often strive to conform to societal expectations or create identities that don’t align with who we truly are. This disconnect from our God-given design leads to inner turmoil and a constant, exhausting search for fulfillment.

The Trap of False Advancements

In our quest to “evolve,” we’ve embraced manmade products and so-called advancements, often at the cost of our natural essence. These efforts don’t make us more human—they push us further from the beauty of how God created us. The result? A widespread sense of purposelessness, depression, and anxiety, as we continue searching for “something more” to fill the void.

The Psychological Toll of Pretending

Psychologists like Carl Rogers have shown that living outside our true design has a significant mental and emotional cost. When the gap between our “actual self” and “ideal self” grows too wide, it creates anxiety, depression, and burnout. Social comparison only worsens this, pressuring us to meet unrealistic standards or present a fabricated image to the world.

This disconnection from our authentic selves leads to cognitive dissonance, a mental conflict that disrupts peace and well-being. The Bible also warns us against conforming to the patterns of this world, instead calling us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). Living out of alignment with God’s design robs us of the peace He promises (Isaiah 26:3).

Rediscovering Purpose

Ephesians 2:10 reminds us that we are God’s workmanship, created for good works prepared in advance for us. Our gifts and uniqueness are not meant to be forced or fabricated but to serve Him and others authentically.

Even animals, like the lynx, reflect God’s design, though all of creation bears the effects of sin (Romans 8:20-22). When we deny our purpose or strive to be something we’re not, we disrupt the balance God intended for our lives.

The Freedom Found in Authenticity

Both Scripture and psychology point to the same truth: living authentically leads to greater peace and fulfillment. Research shows that aligning with our values and strengths fosters resilience and well-being. Similarly, the Bible encourages us to use our God-given gifts to glorify Him (Romans 12:6-8).

This isn’t about trying to stand out for the sake of being unique. It’s about fully embracing the truth of who we are—fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). When we stop striving and pretending, we experience freedom, joy, and the peace that comes from living as God intended.

Reflect and Realign

Ask yourself:

  • Are you embracing the gifts God gave you?

  • Or are you trying to fit into a mold He never intended for you?

Living authentically isn’t just a path to better mental health; it’s a way to honor your Creator. So, stop striving to be someone else. Trust that the gifts and purpose God designed for you are exactly what you need.

The lynx doesn’t question its purpose. Why should you?

Luna x


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