The Lack of Homemakers is Not the Problem

Despite popular belief and superficial insight… The problem is not the lack of homemakers.

The problem is the ungodly lies women have been believing.

The solution is not to convince every woman to stay at home. In reality, staying at home is the result of godly traits and character rather than a to-do list of things to tick off that will make us more feminine.

Our surrender and submission to God alone is the main issue.

Our self-reliance is the problem. In short, our sin is the problem. And there is only one solution for sin: Jesus.

Instead of inspiring or repelling women to be traditional homemakers, we first have to address the real issue—their hearts. The hardness of women’s hearts has been the focus of entertainment and marketing for a long time. Shows like Sex and the City are popular, and those that diminish the purity of women are praised by feminists as a departure from oppression. These shows gain traction with younger and younger generations as they portray chauvinistic behaviors.

The problem, again, is not that these women are not at home, because at home they would be the same. The problem is the lack of morals, the lack of surrendering control, the lack of trust in God, the lack of conviction of sin, the lack of humility, repentance, meekness, reverence, and devotion to the One and Only.

We are convinced by many that we should wear dresses and strive to be beautiful, but the Bible clearly states, "Do not let your adornment be merely outward—arranging the hair, wearing gold, or putting on fine apparel—rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God" (1 Peter 3:3-4).

So we are not meant to adorn ourselves and act a certain way. "Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion. The desire of the righteous ends only in good, but the hope of the wicked only in wrath" (Proverbs 11:22-23).

We are to seek God first, then our behaviors will be the result of our hearts being changed by the love, mercy, and grace of Jesus Christ. It is not because we do that we are changed; it is because He has done and we have accepted Him that we are changed.

Our hearts are changed by the crucifixion of our sins, the death of our past, and the welcoming into the Kingdom family with our Heavenly Father.

Please do not think you can dress and act like a homemaker, stay at home, and everything will be okay. You have to learn to surrender and trust in God first and foremost. Second, you need to build a relationship with Jesus, confess your sins, repent, and praise only Him while surrendering and being vigilant to your idols. Then, and only then, will you ever be able to fulfill the role God has given you as a woman: to be of service, counsel, help, homemaker, child-raiser, and any other mission God has bestowed upon you.

We are to be wise and discerning above all.

Do not fall for trends.

Soften your heart, let yourself break, and experience true change.


A Christlike Invitation to Love the Unbeliever


Trusting God and Staying in Action